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Saviour Of Sinners!
1 Tim. 1:15

"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

What are we to believe... about man... about sin... about salvation... about life
... about death... about hell... about heaven... about the future life?

The Bible provides the answers.

The Bible Teaches That Sin Is A Reality.


These Biblical statements show that sin was, and is in the life of all men -- except Jesus Christ,
in whom was no sin.

Every individual must say, "I have sinned." Sin Is The Cause Of All The Suffering In The World.

We know that sin is ruin.
Though many relish their sins with impenitent hardness of heart -- sin is the nightmare of the human race. When sin reigns, the state of the soul is death. From sin's ruin you can get relief.
Sin incurs the penalties of spiritual and physical death.
Relief is found in God's forgiveness. What a relief it is -- to experience the truth, that "where sin abounded,
grace doth much more abound; that as sin hath reigned unto death,
even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord
(Romans 5: 20-21)

Jesus Is The Sinner's Saviour.

There is no remedy for your sin and my sin, except in the sacrificial death of Christ,
who "appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." (Hebrews 9:26)
Jesus is the only name "under heaven... among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

This remedy in Christ is available by faith, because through Christ
"is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by him all that believe are justified
from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses
." (Acts 13: 38-39)

"Christ died for our sins." (1 Corinthians 15: 3)
"The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53: 6)
God "hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin:
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him
." (2 Corinthians 5: 21)
Jesus Christ is the everlasting source of eternal salvation. Through Christ the law is vindicated, the holiness of God is honored,
and mercy is offered to all because "Christ receiveth sinful men."

Jesus received the wages of sin which He never earned,
that we might have eternal life which we never deserved. Some years ago when the crew of the Squalus realized that they had taken their last dive,
and that they were lying helpless at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
-- 240 feet below the surface; they sent up smoke flares and a buoy.

They hoped that one of their sister ships would find them, and be able to rescue them.
Their help must come from above.
In agonizing silence, they waited.

Soon after that fatal dive, the submarine Sculpin set out in search of them.
The red smudge was found, and then, the buoy was found.
Twenty-four hours went by before the actual rescue work could be started.

A giant 10 ton diving bell dipped and rose again and again,
each time taking several men from the depths of the Atlantic to the safety of the submarine.
All 33 men were rescued! Every single one of those men accepted the way to safety.

Christ is ready to forgive!
He is ready to save!

Come today!
Come now!

The day of wrath is not yet come.
This day of grace is yours!

God forgives your sin through Jesus Christ.

God declares you free from sin and guilt, when you trust Jesus as your Saviour.
"Who bare our sins in his own body... that we, being dead to sins,
should live unto righteousness
." (1 Peter 2:24)

If you're here without salvation -- come to Jesus!
Jesus says, "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37)

To those who are young -- God says, "They that seek me early shall find me." (Proverbs 8:17)
And to those who are older, who have long been dead in sin, come quickly out of your deathly grave.

The Lord Jesus calls you!
Come! Come now!

Come more quickly than a dying man would cry for a doctor.
Come more quickly than a drowning man would reach for a lifeboat.

Come, even now while I speak, and Jesus will give you life eternal!

Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at

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