Five-Year-Old Child Killed!
John 14: 1-6
It's a natural thing for Christians to turn to God in time of tragedy.
When some bewilderment disaster, as the death of (name) enters unwanted into our life,
we know that only in the eternal love of our heavenly Father can we find understanding.
When our hearts are crushed and our grief seems unendurable, we turn to Him who loves us forever
and seek that patience and courage which only He can bestow.
Our blessed Lord has promised that He "will not leave us comfortless."
And He has provided such comfort in this present need.
For all of us, as parents, who feel a particular empathy at a time like this,
we quickly face the fact that God does not give us our children with a guarantee of longevity.
We are not granted the privilege of parenthood with any immunity to heartache.
And one day these sorrowing parents and grandparents will look back on this tragic experience
with the knowledge that Jesus Christ was never more real to them than in this hour of need.
In the Christian scheme of things, every human life has a purpose.
We ask ourselves, "What was (name) purpose?"
I'm sure only time and eternity can truly answer that question, but we know that (name) gave love and was loved.
(Name) stretched the capacity of his parents to love.
His parents loved him devotedly and cared for him sacrificially.
This young life, though brief, experienced the wonderful joy of being wanted and adored.
And through (name) we have learned how God can pack Heaven into a small bundle of life.
We have held eternity in our arms.
We have recognized something that will never die, a soul radiant with heaven, lighting up this child's face.
"Children are God's apostles, day by day
Sent forth to preach of love, and hope, and peace;
Nor hath thy son his mission left undone,
To us, at least, his going hence hath given
Serener thoughts and nearer to the skies,
And opened a new fountain in our hearts."
So, in this hour of sadness, may those whose hearts are broken, find comfort in knowing
that this little soul in all his innocence and purity has but returned to Him who gave it.
We know that while we mourn, he is at peace in his heavenly home.
The only possible consolation that we can find is the realization that (name) is eternally safe.
He will never know any further hurt.
He will escape the sorrow that this world brings.
The little children who slip away to Heaven early in life are especially blessed.
"To die is gain" at any age.
"Dear parents, in that country
To which your child has gone,
There are no scenes of sorrow,
No night succeeds the dawn;
But radiantly happy
Forevermore he stays
And dwells among the angels
Where tears are 'wiped away.'"
Heaven is God's promise and God's provision for all God's children.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
There will be no tears in heaven, and there will be a glorious and joyful reunion with our Lord,
and (name), and with all our loved ones who have gone on before us.
As David declared of his dead son:
"I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." (1 Samuel 12: 23)
"He is not dead, -- the child of our affection
But gone unto that school
Where he no longer needs our poor protection,
And Christ Himself doth rule."
Our most compassionate and loving Saviour, who, when on earth gathered little children in His arms and bless them,
has gathered little (name) in His loving arms where he will abide in heavenly joy forever.
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
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