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A Drug Addict

John 3:16

"Love is glad when you are glad
Is sad when you are sad
Is hurt when you are.

Love is never so wrapped in self,
That it can't listen to you,
And hear you...

Love knows no time
And is always available.
Love... looks with you
For the right path for you.

Love makes no judgments
And has a deep respect for you;
Love grows by sharing...
Love drives out fear;
Love is eternal and never dies,
Love cares
-- Source Unknown

"God is love."
That is the best definition of God we know.

The Bible assures us of God's love in so many different ways. There is no one who God does not love.
He loves us.
No one is ever beyond His love.
That should bring comfort and assurance to each one of us. This is what Jesus is saying to all of us.

So we have come here in love, to recall the good qualities of (name).
There was so much that was lovable, beautiful, commendable, and genuine in (name).

We do not know all the factors regarding his death. These are God's prerogatives, and only His. It is our privilege to love, to cherish, and to remember him and his family.
"... Love one another," Jesus said, "as I have loved you..." (John 15: 12)

We can demonstrate the love of God to (name) family with our steadfast support and sympathy.
They have suffered a profound loss.
Friends, form a loving shield around them that warms and comforts them.
If there was ever an occasion for you to demonstrate your care and sincere love, it is now.
Now is the time for love!

"And someday I won't be tired
Not ever, any more,
Someday I'll be calm and free
And walk by the seashore;
It'll all be over
The thing will be done --
The fight will be won or lost.

Then shall I see more clearly
Then shall I really know,
How you have always loved me;
How you have always been here
Standing by my side.

I'll see how I needn't have worried
And tossed and turned about so,
I'll see that it all had a purpose
A way that it had to go;
I'll see that there was direction
Though at times I didn't think so --
And I'll be quiet

That time is now!
"... To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom,
priest to his God and Father, to him be glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Revelation 1: 5, 6)

Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at

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