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The Greatest Giver!

Second Corinthians 9: 15; Romans 6: 23; Luke 2: 7

It's Christmas again!
It's the time to give and receive gifts.
Man has learned all that he knows about giving from God.
God is in the giving business.

God is the greatest giver!
Mankind can learn a lot about giving from God! It is very obvious that Jesus is God's greatest gift to us.
Let us unwrap the gift and look at what God has for us.

God Wrapped Up His Gift In Old Testament Mystery.

Jesus can be found in every book, every chapter of the Bible.
He is found throughout the Old Testament when you unwrap the types, shadows, pictures, symbols, and prophecy. You can find Jesus in the sacrificing of animals, the metals of the tabernacle, the colors of the garments,
and a thousand other places. You will need to unwrap Him by meditation and study. He can be found throughout the Old Testament if only we will unwrap the gift.

Mary Wrapped Up God's Gift In A Stable.

She wrapped him in swaddling clothes.
These are precious words.
They are treasured best by a mother who has experienced what Mary did.
But there is more wrapped up in those swaddling clothes than a little baby.

First, wrapped up this little baby is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament.

Every truth, every teaching, and every type concealed in the Old Testament is being held in the arms of Mary.
To understand the story of Moses smiting the rock, the brass serpent on a pole, the manna in the wilderness,
Jonah and the whale, or to understand the Psalms -- you have to watch closely what happens to this little baby.

Second, wrapped up inn this little baby is the fullness of Almighty God.

The God who created the heavens and earth divided the Red Sea, appeared in the burning bush,
delivered Daniel from the Lions and the three Hebrew boys from the fiery furnace,
is sleeping in the arms of Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Third, wrapped up in this little baby is the future of all Christians.

The destiny of all people rests in their attitude and relationship to this little baby. Satan wrapped up God's gift in ignorance.
Man will never know what is wrapped up in God's great gift if Satan has his way. The Holy Spirit unwraps God's gift to all who believe.

Jesus promised that when He went back to the father, He would send One to teach and reveal this truth to all.
The blessed Spirit of God has come to unwrap the gift and help us understand. The same Holy Spirit will unwrap Him to any sincere heart and show plainly that He is God's gift to you and me.

Praise God for His unspeakable gift!

During the second World War, the Allied Army was advancing through France.
The Germans were making a last stand wherever they could.
During a night of heavy fog the opposing armies moved very close.
Only a long green meadow and one farmhouse separated them.

As dawn came, the fog lifted. Bullets and bombs began to explode, and men began to die.
After a long period of severe battle, the house in the green meadow was hit and began to burn.

Then someone whispered, "Look!"
It was unbelievable, but there was a small baby crawling across the field.

As the soldiers saw the child, the shooting stopped.
It became very still.
Every eye was on the baby.

Suddenly, a soldier raised up from his position, ran out into the open, grabbed the baby up in his arms,
and ran back to his line.
In a moment a great cheer went up on both sides, and the bullets began to fly again.

The baby brought peace just for a moment.

The war of ages has been in progress since Satan's rebellion against God.

Then, the baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea.
He will give eternal peace to all who will place their trust and faith in Him.

Unwrap God's Gift and receive God's greatest Gift right now!

Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at

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