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Mother And School Teacher
Proverbs 31:26
Have you ever sat on a hill and watched the sun going down?
Has your soul thrilled at the beauty of the sunset?
That's what I want us to see in this death today.
We are like children privileged to spend a day in the great park that God has provided for us.
The time we are privileged to spend is not the same in length, in light, nor in beauty.
Some days are long and sunlit; others are cloudy and stormy, as in a winter's tale.
- Some children are able to stay only a few hours.
- Some must go home at noon of day while the sun is still shining.
- Others stay till the sun begins to set in the beauty of the west.
The angel of death takes us by the hand and quietly says, "It's time to go home, my child, come -- come with me."
This child of God has been privileged to stay until the shadows of the setting sun had lengthened,
and the evening had come.
- The business of the world was hushed.
- The fever of life was over, and the work was done.
Oh, the beauty of the sunset of life like this!
As the shock of her sudden death engulfs us in sadness, we are comforted to know that God said,
"Thy mission is completed! Come home!"
It is a beautiful death, because it climaxes a wonderful life.
Her life tells its own story.
The friendships expressed here demonstrate her influence.
Her family tells something about the quality of her life.
"She was as good as goodness is
Her acts and all her words were kind
And high above all memories
I hold the beauty of her mind."
"She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness." (Proverbs 31: 26)
We remember (name) as a teacher.
- Hundreds of boys and girls have benefited by her teachings.
- Her tenderness, her example, her honesty, her directness, her love were all facets of a fully developed personality
that revealed Christ in her life to all her students.
- She has made noble and lasting contributions to many young people who are now making their own contributions
to the communities in which they live.
The words of Proverbs 31: 27-28 described this Christian wife and mother: "She looketh well to the ways
of her household... Her children rise up and call her blessed."
And in the words of Solomon: "Her husband also, and he praiseth her."
And in verse 30: "A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."
We praise this noble lady, because she praised the Lord with her life.
There are some who come to the end of their life filled with remorse and regret.
But not this lady!
- She lived a useful, devoted, unselfish life.
- The world has been made better for her having lived.
- The kingdom of heaven has been strengthened by her efforts.
Today, we stand on holy ground, for we pause near heaven's gate through which this sainted wife and mother
has just passed into the sunrise of God's eternal day.
God has reached out to embrace her with the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
Have you ever toiled through the hot, sweaty, sweltering day, looking forward to the sunset?
Time moved so slowly; it seemed as though the day would never end.
Then, when evening finally came -- how welcome, what cool peace and embracing rest; what satisfying release,
and what a wonderful friend.
This Christian wife and mother has lived many fulfilling years of life, and death must have come as a friend indeed
in the sunset of her life.
This is a beautiful death because there are rays of promise for an eternal tomorrow.
"O happy soul, be thankful now, and rest!
Heaven is a goodly land;
And God is love;
And those He loves are blest;"
"Thy Day has come, not gone;
Thy sun has risen, not set;
Thy life is now beyond
The reach of death or change
Not ended -- but begun!
O noble soul! O gentle heart!
Hail and farewell."
We shall meet again!
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
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