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The Best Is Yet To Come !
Psalm 42:5
The most fantastic things happen to people who believe.
Jesus says that you do not have to live defeated lives.
You can overcome -- illness -- weaknesses -- sin -- heartbreak -- failure.
In Christ there is nothing you cannot overcome.
- Belief can change what appears to be an impossible situation.
- Belief unlocks the door to power beyond our imagination.
All things are possible -- only believe.
Jesus said: "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."
All of us need someone to believe in us.
It is amazing what having someone believe in you will do for your self-image.
One day Andrew brought his brother, Simon, to Jesus.
Carefully, the Lord sized him up.
He saw in Simon certain weaknesses, but He also saw possibilities.
So, Christ said to him, "Thou art Simon, the son of Jonas: thou shalt be called Cephas,
which is by interpretation, a stone." (John 1: 42)
Jesus was saying, "You are one thing now, but I see in you possibilities of being something else.
I believe in you."
We remember times when Simon Peter severely tried the Lord's patience, yet, the Lord continued to believe in him.
Eventually, Simon Peter became the man Jesus believed he could be.
A mother came to her pastor with her heart breaking over her son who was always in some kind of trouble.
Time and time again, this boy had broken his mother's heart.
She came to her pastor wanting to know what she could do to help her son escape all the difficulty he was in.
The pastor said to her, "It looks to me like you have done everything a mother can do."
Then, the pastor thought of the most important thing, the mother could do for her son, and added,
"Just keep on believing in him."
One of the greatest acts of love you can give to another person is to keep on believing in him,
even when others have given up.
Someone has said that in the company of sinners, Jesus saw possible saints.
To one who had missed the way, and caught in an act of adultery, Jesus said,
"Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more."
Jesus was not minimizing her sin, but neither did He fail to see her tremendous possibilities
even as He saw her shameful past.
He saw all the possibilities of a new beginning and a better future, and this is what He chose to focus His attention on.
God believes in you!
So, believe in yourself.
All things are possible, if you believe in God!
Receive Christ into your life as your Saviour and Lord.
Everything starts with this important move.
God has a plan for your life!
Finding and following God's plan for your life is the soundest, surest way to a healthy self-confidence.
There is no greater feeling than to be in a right relationship with God.
If you are not in a right relationship with God -- do it right now!
When faith matures, it will not matter what hits us -- we will have that overcoming power that just keeps on
smiling and moving ahead.
With God's help you can conquer anything.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
When I was a child, I sang a little chorus that has a big truth:
"Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible,
Only believe."
A female employee of a bus company was interviewed on the evening TV newscast.
Her job was to answer the phone all day and take people's comments and complaints.
This is one job not many people would want.
Who would want to listen to complaining people all day long?
Because this lady had done such a great job of being warm and friendly in the midst of some pretty difficult conversations,
the TV station had singled her out for honor in a news story.
Observing the lady as she dealt with complaints, the reporter asked her how she kept her cool with people
who were usually upset.
This charming lady simply pointed to a plaque on the wall and read it aloud:
"Whatever the mind can conceive,
And I will dare to believe,
With God's help, I can achieve."
"If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to that mountain be moved,
and that mountain will be cast into the sea."
Never stop believing!
God's Word constantly admonishes us to develop a steadfastness that is unmovable, always abounding
and going forward to the goal.
There is no place for a quitter in the band of those who would live to win.
- Quitters never win.
- Winners never quit.
History tells us the average speed of the Mayflower during the voyage across the Atlantic was just two mph.
That was slow enough to discourage even the most seasoned sailor.
Yet, that voyage is remembered as a glorious example of what persistence can achieve.
Anything worthwhile is worth taking the time to achieve.
Be willing to pay the time to achieve your goals.
Most of us are impatient.
When we get impatient, we tense up.
We must remember that anything worthwhile takes a while.
The more worthy a goal is, the longer you can afford to work at it before it is achieved.
The question is: Is this a worthy project?
Is this a worthy goal?
If so, then "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6: 9)
The greatest Man who ever lived, who had the greatest mission to achieve, waited.
Jesus must have been anxious to get started on His mission.
He must have been anxious to meet the needs of people.
He had to wait for 30 long years before He began His public ministry.
Instead of entering into His ministry when He reached His teen years, or even when He was 21,
He sawed planks and hammered nails in a carpenter shop.
Such a menial task for the Son of God to be doing!
As we study the life of Jesus, we come to realize that all the waiting was a part of His important preparation.
Waiting is a difficult thing to do.
We are children of the instamatic age.
We belong to the now generation.
Waiting through difficult times is God's way of preparing us for better things to come.
James writes, "Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations?
Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow.
So, let it grow and don't try to squirm out of your problems.
For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character,
full and complete." (James 1: 2-4)
What finer point is there to be developed in our character than a Christ-like patience?
Patience is faith pushed to its limits and beyond.
Are you facing a difficult time in your life?
- Don't stop believing!
- Don't give up!
- Practice patience!
Know that time can make all the difference in your life.
We must discover that time can be put to work for the good of those who love God,
and learn to practice patience.
The best is yet to come!
Always keep hope alive!
Every now and then, you can hear someone say that another person is hopeless.
When we hear that, we must cry out "That is not true!"
The most profane word in the English language is the word "hopeless."
To say a person is hopeless, or a situation is hopeless, is a direct denial of the power of God.
In Psalm 42:5, we read this powerful statement: "Hope thou in God."
God has given:
- Healing for all your hurts.
- Insights to build a better life.
- Love to give away.
- New dreams to dare you to reach beyond where you have been.
- Obstacles to overcome.
- Scars to turn into stars.
To you, God has given possibilities unlimited!
What matters is not where you have been, but where you are going.
Believe it!
Never stop believing, the best is yet to come!
"Hark! A voice from Eden stealing
Such as but to angels known,
Hope its song of cheer is singing
' It is better farther on!'
Hope is singing, still is singing
Softly in an undertone
Singing as if God had taught it,
'It is better farther on!'
Night and day it sings the same song,
Sings it when I sit alone;
Sings it so the heart may hear it,
'It is better farther on!' "
The Best Is Yet To Be!
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at