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A Growing Hope!

Romans 10:9

Easter is the season of hope.
Easter sings, exults, and rejoices in hope.

Most of us live by hope.
Hope is a basic motivating force of life.
People without hope are depressed, and live in despair.

On this Easter morning, let me ask two questions: First question -- what is the basis of your hope?
What are the roots?
Are they adequate? What is the basis of your hope? What is your ground for hope?
Is it adequate?

Perhaps one reason for a widespread sense of hopelessness and despair among people today is because
the roots of hope are shallow, and not strong enough to support the tree when the wind blows.
In order to withstand the cyclones, the earthquakes, and tornadoes -- the strong winds of changing times,
moral lapses, cloudy motives, and the greed of powerful people in high places, roots of hope need to go deeply into the soil.

The sure ground for hope is a belief in Easter, where the roots of hope are grounded
in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We can live confidently and hopefully because of Easter. You don't seem to get discouraged easily; you seem to have an indomitable faith,
and a strong sense of hope.

Why?" You can answer, "I have hope because God raised Jesus from the dead.
I have hope because the Lord is risen

I rejoice this morning because we have good news. Therefore, our hope can grow, our hope can withstand all the storms of life.

We read in Romans 10:9: "If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

This promise has a twofold condition: first, confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord,
which means that you trust Jesus with your eternal soul.
Confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
Invite Jesus to come and live in your heart.
Confess with your lips.

Secondly, believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.
Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead!
You will be saved.

You can get up in the morning with hope, and face the future confidently.
Because because your hope is grounded in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Second question: For what do you hope? On that Sunday morning, the women went to the tomb of Jesus. Jesus had stirred such hope within them. Now everything was gone.
The enemies had conquered, and now, even the tomb had been broken into and the body taken. While they wept, two angels appeared to the women, and asked a startling question.
"Why do you seek the living among the dead?"

Why do you look for the living in a cemetery?
You can't find life in that which is dead. Many put their hope in bank accounts, in luxuries, in money and things that will not last.

W. E. Sangster, visited the United States a few years ago, and observed that Americans,
have the nicest homes, the most cars, the greatest wealth, and write the most books on how to be happy! The past is dead; it's gone.
You can't reclaim the years that are gone. A reporter interviewed three old men sitting on a park bench.
He asked them what they did and how old they were. Surprised and impressed, the reporter asked, "And how old are you?"

His answer: "27!"

Why put your hope in dead things, dead dreams, dead visions, ideas that don't work anymore, outdated concepts? This how our world can be changed!
One person at a time coming to Christ!

My grandchildren planted a little seed in a plastic cup.
The plant grew and had beautiful blooms.
The grandchildren loved it.
They were proud of their plant.

The day came when the plant died.
They have learned that plants, goldfish, and people die.
Thank God, they have also learned that they didn't have to fear death.
They have learned that Jesus died, rose again, and they love Jesus.

There is hope for everyone in Christ.

When death comes, you will not fear, if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. And we, who are in Christ, have a responsibility to live in hope.
This is what a lost world needs to see!
You and I are the gospel they read!

Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at

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