Christian Mother
Proverbs 31:10-12, 20, 25-31
"You're not dead; death has but set you free!
Your years of life were like a lovely song,
The last sweet notes of which, held long,
Passed into silence while we listened, we
Who loved you, listened still expectantly!
And we about whom you moved among
Would feel that grieve for you were surely wrong--
You have but passed beyond where we can see.
For us who knew you, dread of death is past!
You took life, tiptoe, to the very last;
It never lost for you its lovely look;
You kept your interest in its thrilling book;
To you, death came, no conqueror, in the end --
You merely smiled to greet another friend."
Our lives are like a pebble tossed into a lake, leaving ever-widening rings and ripples of influence.
Long after a pebble disappears, the ripples continue.
The ripples of the influence of (name) life will continue to impact our lives.
Her values, her love, her sacrifices, her courage, her faith will live on in our hearts.
(Name) was a very special person.
The ripples of her life are immediately manifested in her family.
Her pride and her joy was her family.
(Name and name) have raised three fine, unique young men who have already made lasting contributions to our world,
and will even make even more in the future.
The fact that each son settled his relationship with the Lord early in their lives blessed her heart and the heart of this father.
"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her;
... a good wife is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of grain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life...
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
and she laughs at the time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue,
... Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her works praise her in the gates."
(Proverbs 31: 10-12, 20, 25-31)
(Name) love and support and understanding and encouragement enhanced her husband's ministry to the sick and dying.
He will be the first to tell you that she was a valued partner in his God-given ministry as a physician.
In knowing (name and name) over the years and after her death, and listening as he expressed the special love
and life they shared, I have tried to express in concise words what I believe he was saying.
It was something like this:
"When I think about what I've lost, my pain is unbearable.
When I think about what I have had, my joy is unutterable."
This family has experienced a profound loss.
The ripples of (name) life extended beyond her family.
She had great joy in teaching children in Sunday school for many years.
She loved children.
She delighted sharing with them the great truths of God.
The ripples of her life reached out into lasting and loving friendships.
(Name) knew how to be a friend.
All of (name) friends feel the pangs of loneliness and emptiness since her death.
A painful void has been left in our midst.
She will be missed!
She will also be remembered.
Family and friends will have sweet memories of many warm moments shared with (name).
We would collapse in despair were it not for our faith in the goodness of God.
"Grief has its rhythm -- first, the
Wild swift tide of dark despair;
The time of bleak aloneness
When even God seems not there.
And then, the slow receding --
Till quiet calms the sea,
And bare, unwashed sand everywhere
Where castles used to be.
The gentle lapping of the waves
Upon the shore -- and then,
The pearl lined shells of memories
To help us smile again."
We must always remember!
"After the night comes a new day,
After the winter another spring,
After the storm comes a sun-drenched earth,
After the cross comes the resurrection,
After death -- life!
Glory Hallelujah!"
Tears may flow from our eyes, but assurance is in our hearts.
Through these tears, God's love shines.
We sorrow. Yes!
But it is for ourselves.
(Name) has preceded us to be with the Lord leaving us behind.
And we will be lonely without her.
While we sorrow for ourselves, we rejoice for (name).
She is already exploring heaven. (This lady loved the outdoors. She loved hiking)
She is searching out the beautiful gardens and trails of heaven.
And when we arrive, she will be ready and anxious to share with us all the glories of that beautiful land.
"O happy soul, be thankful now, and rest!
Heaven is a goodly land;
And God is love; and those He loves are blest;
Now thou dost understand.
The least thou hast is better than the best
That thou didst hope for; now upon thine eyes
The new life opens fair;
Before thy feet the blessed journey lies
And you are now at home in heaven
Enjoying all its wonderful surprises."
"Our dear Father,"
With broken hearts and sorrowing spirits, we come before You to be healed, comforted, and sustained.
We thank you for the gift of memory and for the ties that bind our hearts in love.
(Name) is precious in our memory.
Her life was dear to our hearts.
We feel a profound loss.
Help this family and all these friends through this time of sorrow.
Enable them and us to assimilate the loss and to live for the future deepened in faith,
and enriched by (name) influence and love.
We thank Thee for (name).
We thank Thee for her character, the breadth of her sympathies, the patience of her understanding,
and the calmness of her spirit even in anguish and distress.
We thank Thee for her courage, her knowledge of Thee, her devotion to Christ and His Church, and for her good family.
Sustain and comfort her family with the consolation that they are in Thy Holy keeping,
and that one-day they will be reunited.
We are grateful that Thou are able to bring comfort to our hearts.
Thy tender mercies remind us that we are not alone in our sorrow and loss.
O God, thou are ever near when we are afflicted, and Thou hast suffered with us.
In the name of Christ we pray these things."
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at