Young Mother With Cancer
Psalm 116:15
"Christian, now thy race is run
Thy Heavenly Father's called thee home;
There thou shalt shine fair as the sun,
In the presence of the All Holy One.
No morning cloud, nor sable might
But dwell in everlasting light."
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."(Psalm 116: 15)
(Name) death is precious because it marks the termination of her sickness and suffering.
(Name) death is precious because she has gone to be with her Lord.
The Lord would take great delight in welcoming (name) home.
Christ has assured us: "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself,
that's where I am, there ye may be also."
On Monday, Jesus came for (name), and how precious that was for her to "be absent from the body
and to be "present with the Lord."(2 Corinthians 5: 8)
While we are saddened over our loss, Christ is rejoicing over (name) homecoming.
Christ's prayer in John 17: 24 was: "Father, I will that they also, when Thou hast given me, be with me
where I am; that they may behold my glory."
"(Name) has beheld His glory!
"(Name), now thy race is run
Thy heavenly Father's called thee home;
There thou shalt shine fair as the sun,
In the presence of the All Holy One.
No morning cloud, nor sable night
But dwell in everlasting light."
When Jesus assessed the disposition of Martha and Mary in the 10th chapter of Luke, He said of Mary:
"For Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
This Scripture could aptly described (name): "... For (name) hath chosen the good part.")
Seventeen years ago (name) began her battle of health.
In all those years, (name) chose the good part.
She never said, "Why me, Lord?"
She never complained.
She always had a smile for everyone.
She was optimistic and positive in everything that she did.
(Name) chose the good part.
Proverbs 31: 31 declare, "Let her own works praise her."
"The value of such a daughter, sister, mother, and wife is above rebuke.
The heart of her husband could safely trust in her.
Her children rise up and call her blessed."
"The memories of your mother
Are the sweetest thoughts you know
They will fill your life with sunshine
And they will make your pathway glow.
The wisdom of her teaching
Has helped you find the way
To be a kinder person
In all you do or say."
Her husband praiseth her for she did him good and no evil all the days of her life.
Like a diamond which its flashing luster, (name) soul reflected the love of Jesus and the Christian graces.
The facets of love, sincerity, and generosity made her a jewel of God.
The law of love ruled her heart, and the law of kindness ruled her tongue.
Her sweet, optimistic spirit was contagious.
There was peace in her soul, joy in her heart, and laughter in her countenance, however dark the clouds
and however rough life's way may have been.
(Name) demonstrated to us how life should be lived, and she demonstrated to us how to die.
We are saddened to know that we must go on without her radiant life.
Her patience, her kindness, her smile, her thoughtfulness of others, her courage in the face of pain and sickness,
her cheerfulness even in discouragement has left us with lessons in Christian living, which we will always remember.
She will be remembered.
It can truly be said that (name) "went on her way rejoicing."
Her family and friends, church and community have suffered a great loss.
(Name) will truly be missed.
We rejoice for (name).
She has been freed from the limitations of a worn-out, diseased body.
Now she has a new body for 1 John 3: 2 proclaims that when we see Christ, we shall be like Him
for we shall see Him as He is.
(Name) has seen Jesus.
Her struggle is over!
(Name) could truly say, "For me to live was Christ."
She lived each day to the fullest -- "but to die was gain."
And she has gained heaven.
"And so shall we (she) ever be with the Lord." (1 Thess. 4: 17)
And for those who know Christ, there is never a final goodbye.
It is just "until we meet again."
It is "until tomorrow."
We shall see her in God's morning.
"In the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord."(Exodus 16: 7)
"Weep not! She is not dead!
She's resting in the bosom of Jesus."
"Ah, then, what rapture greetings on Canaan's holy shore,
What knitting severed friendships up
Where partings are no more!
Then eyes with joy shall sparkle
That brimmed with tears of late,
Children no longer motherless,
Nor husbands desolate."
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
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