The Habit of Thankfulness - 1 Thess. 5:18 By John A Broadus Well, how do we form other habits? If you wish to establish the habit of doing a certain thing, you take pains to do that thing, upon every possible occasion, and to avoid everything inconsistent therewith.
Now, then, if you wish to form the habit of thankfulness, just begin by being thankful -- not next year, but tonight; not for some great event or experience, but for whatever has just occurred, whatever has been pleasant, yes, and we did say, for whatever has been painful. You certainly can find some special occasion for thanksgiving this very night. And then go on searching for matter of gratitude, and just continuing to be thankful, hour by hour, day by day. Thus the habit will be formed, by a very law of our nature. But remember that good habits cannot be maintained without attention. ...MORE
Giving Thanks To God- Psalm 116:12 Thanksgiving day is not set aside in order that we might concentrate all our gratitude within that day and take God's gifts for granted the rest of the year. Someone has suggested that we should change Thanksgiving Day into a day of grumbling and complaining, and spend the other 364 days of the year in thanksgiving...More.
Where Are The Nine? - Like 17:17 Have we emerged from the leprosy of ancient wars and recent battles, cleansed by the Master's own hand, blessed by His countenance, raised by His goodness, lifted by His providential care, saved by His vicarious love -- only to forget?...More
Why Is Thanksgiving Important? - 1 Thessalonians. 5:18 Unless we are thankful, we're not emotionally healthy. Or, to put it another way, we're out of touch with reality. All of us owe so much to other people -- people to whom we should occasionally express it...More.
Ingratitude - John 1:11 We have the sweet flavor of divine love in our mouths, and yet, we desert the banquet table of the Lord. This is gross ingratitude! This is a definite slap at the precious gifts of God's grace... More