This Same Jesus! - Acts 1:10-11 This same Jesus is still the only Saviour. "There is none other name under heaven given among, whereby we must be saved." This same Jesus is the only Saviour for lost souls. His precious blood is still the only possible agency for salvation.
Sold Out To Jesus! - Luke 14:25-27,33 You and I must be sold out to Jesus. Jesus deserves every minute of every day and every penny of every dollar. He must have every ability and every skill that we possess. After all - everything that we have has come from God. His love must master us, control us, constrain us -- we must be sold out to Jesus.
Appointed To Die! - Hebrews 9:27 Sooner or later we will all die! As sure as we live we die. Death takes the beautiful and the ugly, the young and the old, the famous and the infamous, the rich and the poor, the sinner and the saint. No one seriously doubts that in twenty-five years or so, a very large proportion of the people now living on this earth will be dead.
Heaven Is Real! - John 14:1-3 Heaven is as real as any city or country on the face of this earth. Jesus said, " I go to prepare a place for you." If Jesus said that He went to a place, then it is sure and certain that He went to a definite place.
A Healthy Church - 1 Peter 2:1 These early Christians had undergone a fantastic, spiritual transformation that revolutionized every aspect of their lives. Jesus Christ touched them with His power, and they in turn, touched their world with power.
We Can Have Revival! - 2 Timothy 3:23 Pray that God will give us a revival that would free many from the binding power of sin, which mars the body, distorts moral development, perverts the sense of righteousness, disables the conscience, splits the personality, stifles the life, endangers society, grieves the heart of God, and destroys the soul. Pray that God will give us a revival to lift us from the dust of the earth, and walk again before the Lord in the land of the living.
Lost! - Luke 15 There are several facets of lostness. There is physical lostness. If this occurs in a life-threatening situation when resources are running out, physical lostness can be terrifying. There is emotional lostness. Among our "divers diseases" is one the Bible names hardness of heart. Its symptom is callouses on the soul. The worst expression of lostness is spiritual lostness.
Danger Of Delay! - Genesis 6:3 In John 12:39 we read: "Therefore, they could not believe." Why could they not believe? We find the answer in the context. Verse 37 says, "But though he had done so many mighty signs among them they would not believe." First, they would not! Later, they could not! They would not and at last, could not, believe.
“The Harvest Is Past...” - Jeremiah 8:20 The great spiritual harvest must be gathered in while there is time... There are times when God's Spirit is actively at work in a community. There are times when the Holy Spirit is convicting people of their need of Christ. There are times of special visitation when decisions are being made. To miss such opportunities is to run the risk of losing out altogether. It is to take the risk of being lost eternally!
Personal Evangelism - Matthew 28:19 What is evangelism? Let those who know, tell those who don't! Personal evangelism is carrying the good news of Jesus Christ person to person.
When The Spirit Comes! - Acts 1:8 When the Holy Spirit's power fills the church, obstacles are overcome, and difficulties are swept aside. Prison doors are opened and the captives are set free. A tide sweeps upon the people of God that cannot be resisted. God thunders and fire from heaven falls and the world has no explanation. The church forgets to be afraid. Tongues are loosed. God's people begin to witness and stagnant souls are stirred by the breath of the infinite God.
What God Wants! - Romans 12:1 Our worship is usually designed for us to get what we want. But worship is not authentic worship until God gets what He wants. Whatever we're doing in our worship and in our programs, somewhere in all of this -- God ought to get what He wants.
The Need For Revival - Psalm 85:6 We need something that will make people know that there is a God in heaven, that the Bible is His Word, that the promises of God are real and can be counted on. A real revival stirs, shakes, breaks, melts, molds, and causes the power of God to flow through the hearts of people. We need a revival.
When The Lights Go Out On The Road To Hell!- Philippians 2:14-16 Have you quit shining? Have you failed to go outside the camp to bear His reproach? Have you quit telling others about Jesus? Have you quit witnessing for Him? If you have quit doing these things that God wants you to do, then the sinner indeed can say, "The lights have gone out on the road to hell!"
What Happened To Sin? - Romans 3:23 We live in a world that takes sin casually. Even those who profess to be Christians are not very disturbed about their sins. So it is important to see what happened to sin. It is important for us to see that it is still with us. God hates sin, and God will punish it!
How Far Will You Go? - 2 Kings 2:9 Can the power of God be passed on from one generation to the next? Must a generation settle for sitting around and talking about "old-time" power? Or is there new power available to replace the old? Can God's power be passed on as a spiritual legacy? That question was forever settled in our text.
The Forgotten God! - Jeremiah 2:28 When more time is devoted to play than to prayer, then God has been forgotten. When sins of the flesh can be indulged in without an uproar in your conscience, then God has been forgotten. When sensitivity over sin has vanished, then God has been forgotten. When sins no longer stun the soul, then God has been forgotten. Once we would have been sick at the sight of sin. Once we would have had sleepless nights over sin. But now there is no problem -- there is no remorse -- God has been forgotten!
Saviour Of Sinners! - 1 Timothy 1:15 There is no remedy for your sin and my sin, except in the sacrificial death of Christ, who "appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." (Hebrews 9:26) Jesus is the only name "under heaven... among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Revival Recovers All! - 1 Samuel 30:11-31 Because he had lost his vision and his passion, he had also lost the ability for a Spirit-governed action. Therefore, we find David (in chapter 28) on the wrong side, marching with the wrong army, and fighting against his own people, the people of God. There are three things that believers must have, if they are to exist and to survive. They are vision, passion, and action.
Regaining The Sharpness! - 2 Kings 6:1-7 There is nothing that you or I have, that isn't borrowed. Our time, talents, energy, material assets, everything -- all borrowed! They are the gracious gifts that have been entrusted to us by our Divine Benefactor.
The Unpardonable Sin - Matthew 12:31 During His earthly ministry Jesus added another element to the matter of salvation by saying that there is a sin that drives God away from us. It is a sin that will not be forgiven. It is absolutely unforgivable! It is an unpardonable sin!
Let The Fire Fall! - 1 Kings 18:36-39 The reason we don't have the fire is that we really don't want it. Oh, we say we do. But what too many of us really want is the kind of "fire" that will draw attention to our church, packed our pews, increase our offerings, and solve all our problems. We do not want the fire that will consume, destroy, expose, root up, and burn. We do not want the fire to arouse us from our comfort zone. We are afraid of what might really happen if God did appear on the scene. We want a tidy religious experience that we can control. We don't have the fire of God because we don't believe it can happen today.
Christ, The Door! - John 10:9 It is not enough to know a great deal about the Door. It is not enough to only admire the Door. It is not enough to get close to the door and peep in to see some of the delights within. You must enter the Door! Some have been looking and longing, but have never entered. The text says, "He that enters in [not, looks] shall be saved."
Gambling With Death - James 1:15 Essentially, there are only two important matters to consider in this life. One is the uncertainty of life. The other is the certainty of death. There are two kinds of death. There is physical death. Almost everyone prepares for physical death. We make our wills. We buy our life insurance. We make plans for families in preparing for physical death. But too few give attention to spiritual death.
Sins Of Omissions - Joshua 11:15 Our chief concern in this message is with our disobedience and in our responsibilities unto the Lord. We are not primarily concerned with what we proposed, or intended, or planned to do. We are concerned with those supreme things that God commanded us to do , which we have not done. These are the things that should cause us great concern.
The Hour Is Come! - John 17:1 This was the crises hour in the life of Christ, and the pivotal point in the redemptive purpose of God. Jesus Christ is about to die the death of the cross. In the cross all streams of prophecy will meet, and from it will radiate all the glowing lines of history. It was not only the hour of decision for the Son of God; it was the hour of destiny for the redeemed among men.
When Your Heart Stops! - Hebrews 9:27 People will move heaven and earth to keep the spark of life alive for just a little while longer. Doctors will dodge and evade the telling of their patients that death is imminent. People will delay making their wills, and even discussing insurance with their families. Why this reluctance? Is it not because we do not want to talk about the possibility of death? Now is the time to take care of the matter of dying. It is the most important matter that you will ever give your attention too.
Reaching People For Christ - Mark 6:34 The church that justifies its reason for existence is concerned for reaching people. No church can be worthy of its high calling before God if it tries to stay in a private, undisturbed corner and ignore people.
The Call Of The Cross! - John 11:28 So, only in the cross of Christ can we find safety. There is power in the cross of Christ. The cross of Christ lifts people that are buried in sin and death to new life and life forever.
Into All The World - Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Commission is the magnificent obsession of the church. It is the very life blood of Christianity. We must have a vision of a vast world that is without Jesus. In a day in which millions are plunging into eternity without Christ, if we are standing still, we are backing up. We must begin at home, and go to the ends of the earth with the good news of Jesus Christ.