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             Sermon Site of Dr. Harold L. White

Christmas Sermons

The Greatest Giver!- 1 Corinthians 9:15
God is the greatest giver!
Mankind can learn a lot about giving from God!
Jesus is God's greatest gift to us.
So, unwrap the gift and look at what God has for us.

Whatever Happened To Christmas? - Luke 2:1-20
That first Christmas was celebrated by a group of shepherds whose hearts
were filled with joy as they praised God for all they had seen and heard.
The whole realm of nature gave notice to the birth of heaven's gift to man,
and that first Christmas was filled with joy.
That was the way Christmas was then, but what about today?

Don't Forget The Baby! - Hebrews 1:1-9
God entered earth as a baby to bring us to Him.
That's what the baby in the manger means.
Don't forget the baby!
It means God spoke by His Son.

Christ Came To Give Life! - John 10:7-15
Jesus came into this world to bring light because darkness is everywhere.
Jesus came into this world to bring truth because lies are abundant.
Jesus came into this world to bring life because death is inevitable.

Christ Came Down! - Luke 2:1-12
The heart of every believer should take comfort in the recollection
of God's providential government of the world.
A Christian should never be greatly moved or disturbed by the conduct
of the rulers of the earth.
We should see with the eyes of faith a Hand overruling all that they might do
to the praise of God.

Is Christmas Backwards? - John 3:16-17
Is it possible that Christmas has always taken place in a world
that has lost its way?
Is it possible that we have always gotten important things backwards?

Journey To Bethlehem- 1 Sam. 16:1-13
The journey to Bethlehem is the announcement of a new possibility.
It is a word of hope about a new life.
Bethlehem is the symbol of the surprising future that God now presents to us.

What Will You Give?- Matt. 2:1-12
Christmas is more characterized by shopping rather than the Saviour.
More thought is given to gifts for the family and friends than the gift from God.
More time is given to celebration than to adoration.
Giving should characterize the spirit of Christmas.

The Innkeeper's Problems! - Luke 2:1-7
We are always looking for someone to blame.
It is convenient to be able to lay upon someone else the burden of guilt
that we carry in our own hearts.
We are relieved, when we are able to point a finger of accusation at someone
and ask, why he did not do more for Christ.

The Significant Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20
How many of us would consider the shepherds to be important personalities
that wonderful night in Bethlehem?
By examining the roles of the shepherds in the Christmas story,
we may learn some valuable lessons about the true meaning of the Christian life.
Why does God choose the shepherds to be recipients of the angelic proclamation
of the birth of Jesus?

The Heredity Of Christ- Matthew 1
Jesus' genealogy had a few black spots in it, but Jesus didn't ask His biographers
to hide them.
He was not ashamed to make public His human pedigree, and this assures us
that He will never be ashamed of His future family tree,
which includes you and me.

A Saviour Is Born! - Luke 2:1-14
What is our response to the birth of Jesus?
It should be a sense of joy and of wonder, but so often we experience
a sense of nostalgia and a desire for simpler times and maybe a fear of the future.

The Wait Is Over! - Luke 4:21
"Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." Luke 4: 21
It would be impossible to exaggerate the profound significance of what Jesus
said: "The wait is over, the news is good."

Greatest Fact Of History - Matt.2:1-12
Why would the God of creation leave His throne and be born in a manger to pursue
one of His creatures?
Why should He leave the glory of heaven to suffer such a horrible death
on the cross for you and me?
Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did!
That is the greatest fact of history!

Unto You Is Born!” - Luke 2:1-14
The news of the birth of the child in Bethlehem is different from the news
of the arrival of any emperor or king.
The angel of the Lord points to Bethlehem, saying,
"For to you is born this day a Saviour."
For our sake God became man.
For us He gave Himself that we may be lifted up and drawn unto Him.

A Trip To Bethlehem- Micah 5:2
Let us visit the city where our Savior was born.
We must make the road to Christmas, the road to Bethlehem if we are to keep
What is Christmas for you -- holiday or holy day?

This Is What Christmas Means! - Luke 2:8-14
The shepherds experienced the presence of God that night,
and then went to worship the Christ child.
In the midst of the tinsel and glitter, the hoopla and festivities,
if you will experience Christ, then Christmas will mean something special to you.

Listen, Do You Hear? - Luke 1:46-55
Our Scripture passages are packed with words of hope.
We have had so much bad news day after day that we need to hear
some words of hope.

In The Fullness Of Times - Galatians 4:1-7
Christmas also means that God is never late.
God is always on time.
He never misses a deadline.
He sent His Son into the world right on time.
God's timetable is always correct.

A Saviour Is Born!- Isaiah 9:6
We welcome the announcement of his birth each Christmas day,
but in so doing, we must also recognize the potential that is born in us.
The birth of Christ that we celebrate is not just the birth of a baby long ago,
but it is the celebration of the coming of God in the flesh.
We celebrate the Word made flesh, the coming of God amongst us.
This is a celebration of eternal importance.

An Unwanted Saviour - John 1:11
Shortly after Jesus was born, Herod was determined to kill Him.
Though he failed to kill Him at his birth, his effort found fulfillment at Calvary.
Mankind didn't want Jesus then, and Jesus is not wanted now.

The Visit Of The Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-12
Mysterious wise men come from mysterious places following a mysterious star
in search of a child destined to be a king.
They discovered more than they could have ever imagined.

The Messiah - Malachi 3:1-4, Micah 5:2-4
Christ was an unexpected type of Messiah,
and the place of His birth was unexpected.
From a human viewpoint, it would have seemed that the Messiah should
be born in the capital city of Jerusalem, where the religious and
political life of Israel were centered.

God's Wonderful Surprise! - Luke 1:26-38
It's always a wonderful surprise to find something good in an unexpected place.
The Bible is full of experiences like that.
Whatever Mary was doing that day, she certainly did not expect
to be confronted with a messenger from heaven.

When The Angels Stop Singing! - Luke 2:15
This time of year there will be a thousand names and faces,
which will experience a mountain of misery.
That is what happens in life, when the angels stop singing.

The Expectations Of Christmas - Luke 2:22f
There is a lot of hype to the holidays.
We buy presents; we attend numerous parties.
We travel to see our relatives.
We stress ourselves out building up for that one climactic day each year,
and then it is over.
If we were honest, we would admit that most of the time Christmas never
lives up to our expectations.

They Were Wise! - Matt. 2:4-12
Matthew says that when the Wise Men saw the Child,
"they knelt down and paid Him homage."
That can happen now as we worship Christ.
The Wise Men were wise enough to see Jesus as the Son of God.
Like the Wise Men, let us bow down and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greatest Gift - John 3:16-18
We are not always happy with the gifts we get for Christmas.
Every year most of us end up exchanging some items, either because
they didn't fit or we didn't need them.
Sometimes we return items because they just don't work.
No one ever regrets receiving the Greatest Gift.

It's Exactly The Right Time! - Galatians 4:1-7
How many of you are waiting to meet God?
When is the right time to meet God?
When is it time to have the deepest needs of our restless human hearts met by God?
If you have never met God personally -- the right time is now!

About Christmas - Matthew 2:4-12
We place high expectations on ourselves and an enormous amount
of stress just to get to Christmas.
Because of all the rush and anxiety, we lose the simplicity
and greatness of Christmas.
Christmas is about gifts we do not earn or deserve.
Christmas is about the amazing grace of God.

Responses To Christ - Judges 13:8
In the coming days, we will sing Christmas hymns and read
the Christmas Scriptures.
We will revisit the city to Bethlehem.
The time draws near for the birth of Christ.
"What shall we do unto the child that shall be born?"

The Name of Jesus- Matt. 1:21
The name of Jesus is like a beautiful melody to the ear.
His name can bring joy to the heart.
His name reveals the power of glory more glorious than any dream
could ever dream.
In the name of Jesus young men have seen visions,
and old men have dreamed dreams.
The time will come when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
the name of Jesus.

What Do You See? - Luke 2:15
Different people who came to the stable at Bethlehem saw
the baby Jesus differently.
Different groups, different people looking at that Christ child saw Him
in different ways.
What do you see when you look at the baby?

Luke 2:15: “And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away
from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another,
Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass,
which the Lord hath made known unto us

Let us look at that holy night through the eyes of some who came to see
the Christ child born in Bethlehem.

The Meaning of Christmas - Luke 1:78 New 12/10/08
"The dayspring from on high hath visited us."—Luke 1:78.
The birth of a little Child the Christian world at this season celebrates.
Christmas Day is a holy and happy day when we commemorate the coming of God's Son
into the world—the incarnation of God by way of the virgin birth.
Never too happily can we sing.
Never too eagerly can we ring the bells.
Never with exaggeration can we express the Christmas benediction:
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory
as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).

With the coming of the "dayspring from on high," morning broke upon
the world's darkness—in Bethlehem—while men and women, bruised and bleeding,
were in a darkness unlighted by flickering philosophical tapers and
sputtering Judaistic lamps. ..

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